Art as Mindfulness - Melinda Bayn

Art as Mindfulness - Melinda Bayn
Ella Pavlona (ellapavlona) project


Green: Healing process, Safety, Harmony as positive and Jealousy as negative.
Tan: Flexible from a lot of changes.
Red: A small detail with Passion for all I do!
Pink: A small detail because I am feeling feminine, Compassion and full of Love.
Mindfull Cove (158, 216, 23)

Es mi época favorita del año, la primavera tropical que se parece más al verano ... los días por aquí ya son muy calurosos por lo que quieres ir vestida cómodamente, fresca y protegida del sol ...
Aunque estoy en fisioterapia por un problema con mi brazo, me siento bien.
Soy una luchadora incansable y constante en la búsqueda de mi equilibrio ...
Estoy rodeada de un entorno natural que me fascina, puedes escuchar los pájaros cuando te despiertas y rodeada de selva tropical, que me encanta!
Y para levantarme el ánimo cuando me ataca la melancolía de estar tan lejos de la familia, ¿qué mejor que este tipo de música ???
Envidio a esas familias que permanecen juntas. Incluso en estos tiempos difíciles, pueden reunirce y tener almuerzos o cenas familiares ... ¡Ojalá no tuvieran que pasar por esta situación para apreciar lo afortunados que son!

It is my favorite time of the year, the Tropical spring that is more like summer ... the days around here are already very hot so you want to be dressed comfortably, fresh, and protected from the sun ...
Even though I am in physical therapy for a problem with my arm, I feel fine.
I am a tireless and constant fighter in the search for my balance ...
I am surrounded by a natural environment that fascinates me, you can hear the birds when you wake up and surrounded by tropical jungle, which I love!
And to lift my spirits when the melancholy of being so far from family attacks me, what better than this type of music ???
I envy those families that stay together. Even in these difficult times, There can get together and have family lunches or dinners ... I wish they didn't have to go through this situation to appreciate how lucky they are!

Styling Card:
DOUX - Pink hairstyle [BLOGGER PACK]

=Zenith=Summer Rattan Hat with Flower (Light)

KUNGLERS - Sidonia earrings
KUNGLERS - Hortensia rings

[Rezz Room] Box Yorkshire Adult Animesh (Companion)
[Rezz Room] Pack Chihuahua Jumping

Belle Epoque { Rose } Olive

::MA:: Rope Sandals "Classic"  FLAT {Wear}

O.M.E.N - Dog Park Day - #7 Basket O' Goodies  BOX 6
dust bunny . summer picnic . ukulele floral
dust bunny . summer picnic . pillow pile


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